Some artwork I did for Fyodor's CD-r release

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

I did this a while back for the Second Square to None mini-label. We record everything played at the gigs, and some of them get put onto 20 cd copies, cased in square, white cardboard sleeves. We commission an artist to do different designs for each of the 20, and so far each artist has taken a different approach to doing this. Fyodor made the mixes on the CD using some unorthodox turntable techniques so I decided to do a bit of "subtractive synthesis" with the artwork and etched / embossed the cardboard with various blades and files.

There are 5 sets of 4, although 2 are missing (one is a mystery, the other was lost through my own stupidity using Photoshop). I had to raise the levels a lot for the patterns to be visible at all - the artwork on the actual copies is only visible when held at an angle to a light source - so they look a bit green / grey instead of their actual white. I need projects like this in order to do any drawing at all, otherwise I don't bother and make noises instead!


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